Hi E.B.O.N.Y players round the world!

If anyone does not understand a level walkthrough, hint or explanation, don't hesitate sending us an e-mail. You could do so at: giobagna@hotmail.com

Also there's the option of leaving a comment and we'll surely answer you

Please if you need help leave us your name and e-mail address so we can answer your questions

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Well... hi again!, We're back, ehem... at least us (Giobagna and Liandon) my partner.... teban? don't know a thing 'bout him, but... well, personally I have to say I'm sorry for been out for such a long time, as you can notice I am trying to reorder or refurbish the posts a little at least from level 31 on... so...you can imagine what this means... LOL not to much just some copy paste and a little html code, hehehe.

I HAVE to apologize to y'all because I've been away from this blog for a long while, recently I checked all the comments y'all left and I've been feeling more ashamed with every comment I read, I also have to apologize for teban's absence too, yesterday (21/10/10) I logged in the blog and found out he has had no activity since a long while ago too... so the blog has been unattended which makes me feel even more ashamed.

On the other side I have good news... with the refurbishing and reordering of the blog we'll be posting the missing levels, egg pages, walthroughs and solutions, and of course trying to answer in one way or another the comments y'all left.

I want to make public one personal request:

  • It is about comments in general, PLEASE PLEASE.... leave us your e-mail or another way we can contact you in case you need us to answer your comment.

Well... having that said, I think that's all, hope you accept my apologies and we're here to help you, as a personal and team goal in order to satisfy y'all with your requests, we'll be checking comments and the blog in general each and every Friday.

1 comment:

  1. You should look in all the forks comments you missed a third one in the past.


Yes!! even if most people think we are good enough, we always can be better leave us your comments so we can improve the way we help you.

Please if you need help leave us your name and e-mail address so we can answer your questions