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Monday, January 11, 2010

Level 37 Denmark Path

Well... seems you've done good so far. Welcome to level 37, as you make a quick scan of the screen and the level generally, you may ask why "37?", and why "? = o". Well... maybe you can use that as clues try modifying a little the URL. The question mark equals "o" right? well change the URL for ....37o.html

You'll get a hint from the author that says:

? = o ====> you need a number (And the file you're searching for is not a .html.)

You suddenly are got in blank the author tells you that if the question mark equals "o" then you need a number. of course that for the URL the number has to be from 0-9 but... still missing the kind of page you've got to find. Since the author told you it is definitely not a html page.

Somewhere in the level's source code you'll find something similar to this:

 a name="level+?+dot+txt"
Well, excuse us but this is too easy and toofunny that we are going to laugh!!!!!!  (roflmao)
The author is giving you the answer  look  at it a little closer. After you find it out you'll get to a real weird page don't panic scroll it down until you find some readdble "logical" text and you'll find the answer to go on to the next level. Somewhere in that weird page you should see this:

an79> [cast(wb,x_seq)] an79> [timedst(-12,-13,-5)] an79> [def(Level38)] an79> [pri="temp(2)"] an79> [param(public)="5"] an79> [Level38="intermediate38.html"] an79> [warn="no"] an79> [halt="2"] an79> [proceed] 

What's weird with it? what's odd in it? take a closer look, or maybe.... let's us show it to you:

an79> [cast(wb,x_seq)] an79> [timedst(-12,-13,-5)] an79> [def(Level38)] an79> [pri="temp(2)"] an79> [param(public)="5"] an79> [Level38="intermediate38.html"] an79> [warn="no"] an79> [halt="2"] an79> [proceed] 
Hope you got it!!!! :P


  1. This is really really helpful! Please keep on updating this and I will definitely tribute it on my website!

    Yours Sincerely,

    McKenzie, Author of Rainbowriddles.piczo.com- A riddle inspired by EBONY but not yet complete.

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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i need help for the intermediate38 part.... darylnumber1@hotmail.com please!

  6. This is not the end of this thread! There is a 38 here http://ebony.extra.hu/zelda/bhalf.html

    The pic is named "twin" and when you look at the source code, there are little named hotspots on the image, two of which are "a"
    When you change bhalf to ahalf, it takes you to an (almost identical) page which has different mapped letters. This time, the twin letter is t, but there is no thalf.html

  7. Excuse me I have chosen the Denmark path and I have a different Level 37 than this. My email is notttttelling@yahoo.com thank you.

  8. Sorry it's notttttelling@yahoo.com again. My name is Nott.


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