Hi E.B.O.N.Y players round the world!

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Level 36 Denmark Path

This level, will remember something you still left unconcluded, your nightmare. You are walking aside Ms Berry and suddenly, you meet the thin dark creepy woman. She attacks Ms Berry, and threatens to do likewise on you. you've got to find the answer.

The hints given by the author say something like:

If you want to talk with her, write the level number after her name in the url. (.../halle/******36.html) The usual 404 error shows that you've guessed her name wrong.

Check out the source code for a disclaimer.

so... you must guess her name again. and of course it is always better to talk with her and find out some useful inofrmation. A hint:

Remember the names on the ground, try asking her about some of them, you'll get an answer... Perheps you'll get a "glorious answer"And you can try to ask her thou hast not been sented by him, the names that each one of 'em work.

Ohh, and of vourse. The names are:




Still, boths answer lead to the same level 37


  1. guys, there's another level 37. Notice how the title of the page says 1e, the name of the picture is 2v, and the map name is 5e4d3a. Put those in numerological order, and get evade. There's another version of 37 at http://ebony.extra.hu/halle/evade.html. Thanks for posting this, though!

  2. I can't seem to get past level 36... I think I must be typing in the url wrong....

    The lady's name is Lisa right?

    1. her name is samara. Lisa is the one in the shock box.

  3. As mr Ferelli said, try evade.html

    1. I am now stuck on level 39 with all the songs and jumbled lyrics. does anyone know the user name and password required?

  4. i got in other lvl 37
    title is ascending
    where am I???!!!

    1. i used the numbers on the trunk and put them in numerical order. from there, i made a coherent word and it worked...

  5. The correct answer is samara.you can evade too but it didn't get solved. game hints you about the length of name it must have been 6 letter name so the only six letter name in the name list we have seen before is Samara after that you can ask her about yxonumei and voila you are at next level!

  6. yeah how do you ask her?

  7. Once you get to the talk page, just change the url to yxonumei.html

  8. when i type samara.html and then type yxonumei.html, the 404 page appears! what do i do???

  9. When you type "ring" in samara.html you also get 37? lvl. Strange :D

  10. yxonumei36.html doesn't work
    but evade.html does.



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