Hi E.B.O.N.Y players round the world!

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Level 23 Left Path

Welcome to level 23 in this level either way you choose is the same, so.. don't panic if you find only one answer. Either way right or left you'll see 10 screens with the same image but nothing quite important except for the screen title. You can count the screens thanks to the URL that each time you click right or left it'll going to change from this:


to this:


for example you'll notice each time you change screen, the backdoor number changes and, we recommend you to notice that backdoor numbers are in disorder, so are the screen names.You should notice the screen name is one letter, well write each of the ten letters and you should be able to make a word with them or... more exactly... to words that name the html file you need to get through next level.

D, W, D, N, E, L, I, L, E, H

The word you need is:


1 comment:

  1. If you put in http://ebony.extra.hu/dawne/backdoor11.html
    it will say 'An Error code #404 is here.' as in there being 10 letters in 'well hidden' and no extra 11th letter is found.


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