Hi E.B.O.N.Y players round the world!

If anyone does not understand a level walkthrough, hint or explanation, don't hesitate sending us an e-mail. You could do so at: giobagna@hotmail.com

Also there's the option of leaving a comment and we'll surely answer you

Please if you need help leave us your name and e-mail address so we can answer your questions

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Level 18

Welcome back!! don't panic you didn't lost all the levels you have won since level 8, you just left something unconcluded, remember the cyan colored door?, well... you have to find the password to open it but luckily for you, you alrady know it all.

YES! you do! remember when... we told you in a near level to write something you looked through a magnifying glass on the floor?, no? on level 17?


Yes... you have the answer

Username: Tracks

Password: Meet

But.... wait....

You got the password, opened the door and you have been victim of a cruel ambush!!!!!


  1. I don't exactly like how you made the ambush unsolved

  2. Mr. Fish look at the walkthrough of the level 19
    each level continues from the one before, if you see in the game screen when you get to the ambush scene there's a message hyperlinked that says go tp level 19

  3. Can someone give me the link to question 19,I'm on an iPad and the link say it has been moved or deleted for me


Yes!! even if most people think we are good enough, we always can be better leave us your comments so we can improve the way we help you.

Please if you need help leave us your name and e-mail address so we can answer your questions