Hi E.B.O.N.Y players round the world!

If anyone does not understand a level walkthrough, hint or explanation, don't hesitate sending us an e-mail. You could do so at: giobagna@hotmail.com

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Level 23 Right Path

Welcome to level 23, at least you got rid of that creepy fairyvein and btw who has ever seen a fairyvein with a purple color?? Not us, well... whatever... Now you realize it is going to take you a while to get out of the garden. Let's read the story that you are given in this level, maybe we could mark some clues for you.

You're just wandering in the strange garden and you can find nothing useful. Sure, all the plants are nice but none of them can help you to find your way out.

After half an hour or so you spot an impressive flower with some letters on it. Odd.

'Oi there!' A tiny voice calls you. You turn around but you can see noone.

'Yeah, you!'

'Where are you?' You ask.

Lololol, I won't tell! He (or she?) giggles. Yes, yes, I've been watching you for a while. You know, a bumblebee visited that very same flower a few minutes ago.'

Erm...?' You're at a loss.

Bumb-le-bee! Do you know what a bumblebee is?

Of course.

Then why don't you ask it about its flight? Hahaha!'

Lol!! funny story have you tried to type bumblebee in the URL? It could be a good idea. you'll get a hint on how to continue. But we are going to get the hint here. What is the universal name of the bumblebee?

Maybe you would want to google it...


HINT: You are being asked for a genus not for a family so it is not Apidae. Yes the genus is the big group of all families of bees and it's called Bombus. So that's the answer you need. Unfortunately you haven't ended level 23. You have reached now a screen where you get the information about the bumblebee's flight, like this one:

And if you remember when you first got rid of the fairyvein, you found an odd flower with some scattered letters on it, well... why don't you try combining the flight direction with the letters? A hint: You can overlap the two images in an image editor, You'll get this:

But.... what does the flight of the bumblebee says? S P R I N G L O V E? yes, indeed, You got the answer!!!! c ya on level 24


  1. You forgot about Vestiyana's Lab.


  2. vestiyana lvl19 - press the arrows in the order you get from /news.html --- bei dong xi nan or north south west east. Also notice that the acronym for that is NEWS.

  3. whoops. i meant north east west south.

  4. There is another path here as Anonymous says... it redirects to a second lvl19 page... all you have to do is name the person who owns the tiny voice (it's not the bumblebee)... I don't know how to find this name other than in the trivia on the menu page of the game... So far I've come to lvl21 on this alternate path and now I need some serious help... I can guide you guys to that point if you need help, but I won't leave my e-mail here, since I don't want random people e-mailing me...

  5. I got lvl 21, but need help on 22 now... :S

  6. @ Camilla, which level 22, still on right path?

  7. I managed to get the name 'Vestiyana' by downloading the mp3 track from the source page...(I didn't think of downloading the correct trac32.mp3 so I downloaded trac06.mp3).

    If you go to properties and look at Comments it says 'Gardens of Vestiyana'.

  8. I didn't see "Gardens of Vestiyana", but in the opening menu there's Trivia. Going through it, you'll see why you would know whose name to call out.

    As for the bonus level, I made it to Level 21, but am stumpt. It has to do with differences. I got the 2nd part, but am stumpt about the 1st part of the word.

  9. i meant north east west south.nature

  10. Does anyone have a hint for level 21, with the differences?
    Tried combining some letters from the 4 pages but nothing... Differences in what? Pages, images, flowers, mistakes or something else?


Yes!! even if most people think we are good enough, we always can be better leave us your comments so we can improve the way we help you.

Please if you need help leave us your name and e-mail address so we can answer your questions