Hi E.B.O.N.Y players round the world!

If anyone does not understand a level walkthrough, hint or explanation, don't hesitate sending us an e-mail. You could do so at: giobagna@hotmail.com

Also there's the option of leaving a comment and we'll surely answer you

Please if you need help leave us your name and e-mail address so we can answer your questions

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Weird huh? LOL don't be scared. This level is funny too. As you see you're fighting her, she doesn't want to talk, she just wants you to defeat her or fall apart. If you see the source it talks about the graffiti in the walls. btw aren't they a little bit distorted? LOL

*One* Graffiti is relevant!

If you are picky enough you'll see most of the graffiti are acronyms, particulary, net acronyms, but there's only one that works.Perhaps if you haven't seen it before it is the weirdest of 'em all. A hint from us to you:

It is on the right wall and maybe.... the biggest one.

Once you find it, if you know hat it means Congrats! if not, UTFG!!!!!!! and you'll know what we mean he's your best friend. Now.... look at the source you'll find the weirdest thing ever! pairs of words, some of them..... pretty weird.

  • Ebony (E) vs Riddle Game (R)
  • fuzzy (S) vs logic (L)
  • alien (B) vs predator (P)
  • Murdock (O) vs Samara (A)
  • Sherlock Holmes (T) vs Hercule Poirot (M)
  • BanBoil (H) vs LinHuan (I)
  • ipfahhy (A) vs fwiffo (V)
  • cejtamid (C) vs tzimisce (E)
  • Lady Madonna (N) vs Fixing a Hole (C)
  • wtf (Y) vs lol (I)
After you have the list of them look at the URL has something like ggfight. It is related to your friend google, specifically it means google fight search it in google and start the fights. As you could see each word has a letter on it's side when youmake the fights, we recommend you to write or take notes of who wins in each case.

After you've done this, you'll have formed a word with the single letters, that's NOT the answer, however it'll lead you to the answer. If you type it as you got it you'll get a clue. The egg's page is tsomla and it says something like: back

Definitely getting to the answer is pretty easy just get the word and turn it backwards.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i dont get to this level. i get to a page named "bad omen?!?" whats up with that?

  3. Was not funny. That god damn word utfg. The "G" was quite unclear. I stould for 2 days thinking what the letter is and never thought it would be G. In the meantime i tried searching for "fight fuzzy logic" or "fight alien predator" etc; but it never led me to the site.

  4. What is DNA in this context?
    Every version of level 42 has this hint, probably leading to a mystic marvel, but I still can't get it.

    1. EDIT:

      Never mind, I got it. What an excellent reward this is :D Good luck to everyone who's trying to get it, so long, and thanks for all the fish!

    2. Can you give me a hint? Been stuck for days!!

  5. Yea, i have been trying to get this level for a while but when i search some of them with google fight they have no results

  6. Ive been looking around everywhere but i cannot find the answer to level 47

  7. i found the googlefight website but it doesnt seem to be working i will still link it here if it works for you:


  8. Janet 42 not all of the fights give a winner, is there something im doing wrong?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Only four google fights returned a winner/looser reply. The other six were 0-0. The answer supplied by ebonyriddlesanswers contained many letters that were not given by googlefignt. Lady Madonna won over Fixing a Hole which gave the wrong letter. Times change and googlefight is apparently out of date. I took a poll manually, googling each word and comparing the numbers of results and I did come up with the word.


Yes!! even if most people think we are good enough, we always can be better leave us your comments so we can improve the way we help you.

Please if you need help leave us your name and e-mail address so we can answer your questions