Hi E.B.O.N.Y players round the world!

If anyone does not understand a level walkthrough, hint or explanation, don't hesitate sending us an e-mail. You could do so at: giobagna@hotmail.com

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Friday, January 1, 2010

Level 12 K Path

Hi there!! thought this path was easier?? let's see how do you do. You have no door to leave the room, you're trapped and find some graffittis that could help your way out, who knows? Obviously you have to read them all, except for one you can't.

If you check the source you'll find something useful, a very valuable hint given by the author himself:

Maybe you could read some of them to figure out how to go on. You have to decide which piece of information is important and which is not. 
Now that you got it how about choosing the best of them all. Trust us, you will really find the answer!.
 An unusual color in one of them should be sort of a hint, find it....
Perhaps, what you need to get out? a door maybe? one of them spaks about needing a door a some particular moves you need to follow, find out what do those moves stand for, or in other word, follow sukeena's moves.

for the lazy ones


  1. No, no, no, no, no!!!!! Everything u just said is WRONG. Firstly, aneninen's, if anything, is the LEAST relevant (it's actually lyrics to mystic marvel number 4!! Try reading sukeena's instead! Trace the lines with your finger. You should see a four letter word. Veil. Enter that, but, before you do. Read the word in yellow first that just magically appeared. It's used later in the game. Then, click the door. Sigh!!!!!!

  2. Mr Liandon, thanks a lot for your commnts I've been away from this blog in a long time, hope my partner has replied you, but anyway, thamks a lot for your comments, I don't know you but you look a little bit mad in this comment, if you want you can give us more feedback on the game and even we can grant you permission to rearrange or publish new helpful posts in thos blog, please contact me at my e-mail if you wnat to do so

    1. Hi,

      The color scheme proposed threw me for a loop. I was thinking blue -> true blue, but was lost.

      My work around was noticing the URL ended in ".../label5.htlm" and another in ".../label3.htlm".

      So, I just started with:

      ...and so on.

      Looking at the source code for each, I noticed the entry for the command to go back had changed for .../label6.html.

      I'm not too sure what the myth is/was about, but clicking to go back revealed the way.

  3. Can you guys PLEASE put up at least some HINTS for level 13K. I've been trying to figure it out for SO LONG and I can't get it. I can't seem to find anything on Google, either. It's all level 13F.

  4. Yoyo, read up on file extensions. Perhaps you can replace one for another?

  5. help !! stuck at level 16K

  6. The answer to level 13 K is to change the image name from lookup.gif to lookup.jpg, then it will show you "showtime" on the ceiling. Which leads you to showtime.html

  7. How do I change the image name?

  8. Does anyone have any hint for lvl15k?

  9. Level 14k you need to name the picture. The hint is the title of the page: Arcana. It's a tarot card. If you google "Tarot Card XIV" you find that the name of the card is Temperance.

    The answer is temperance.html

    1. hmm i thought the answer would be yugioh and i tried the straight translation from japanese, "king of game"
      then i thought of aneninen how she said that she is the gamemaster, so aneninen was the right for me

  10. For level 15k the backwards writing on the wall says "My friends have lost their way!" I tried changing the url to up.html

    That took me to a page that said "Would you stop guessing randomly" and had a back button. Clicking the back button took me to 16F.

    I don't think that's the right answer, but 15K doesn't have many other hints. I have no idea what the blue J on the wall means. (Yes, I tried bluejay.html... Didn't work.)

    1. Google "my friends have lost their way". Look at the song the lyric is from. :)

    2. THANKS!

      For the longest I thot it was the greek letter Tau written backwards like the other black text.

    3. when I did that it did not have a backlink!

    4. the song the lyrics are from is bluejayway.html blue jay, and my friends have lost the way. it sorta makes sense

  11. Can anyone help with 16K? Pretty sure it's an anagram, but nothing seems to be working....

    1. It isn't an anagram. I was stuck for a while too. Their are two words in there and you don't have to rearrange the letters. Try reading the stairs based on tile location. :)

    2. it is an anagram. it is two words that start with p and end with k and t

  12. Replies
    1. the k is where on the ground and the n it where the missing plank goes. read it slanted "peak" read it upright "point"

    2. same answer as 16f


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