Hi E.B.O.N.Y players round the world!

If anyone does not understand a level walkthrough, hint or explanation, don't hesitate sending us an e-mail. You could do so at: giobagna@hotmail.com

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Please if you need help leave us your name and e-mail address so we can answer your questions

Monday, December 21, 2009

Level 9

Welcome!! we've been..... EXPECTING YOU!!! BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....

This level is particulary funny, at least we had a lot of fun doing it. You are asked to call the elevator in order to continue with the game, Ziggy demands you to hurry 'coz he has a lot of things to do. So let's say you are uder pressure BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA......

As you can see you are not alone and can get some help if u change the URL from chitchat.html to elevator.html or sukeena.html, but, as the creator says getting a 404 error means there was no answer and it is COMPLETELY NORMAL don't panic.

When you talk to elevator.html you get an aswer from ziggy that tells you each elevator has a language of it's own and tells you also, if you need the elevator just call it. How to call it?? well that's where the fun begins. Somewhere in the many screens of chit-chatting with Ziggy, he tells you that an elevator could be called " Please come here" but, since each elevator has a language of his own...

You need to find it, and luckily for you, Ziggy tells you this particular elevator says K instead of E well, seems easy, but it IS NOT! And... a hint from all of us to you, don't make this common mistake:


Or.. it won't work at all. Yes, We know what you are thinking: " but Ziggy told me it says K instead of E" yes, it does but not this way ( lol :D ) The language of this particular elevator has something similar to a relationship with a system of ciphering and encripting used by the romans. This system is called Caesar Cipher.

Don't Panic you can find a hint of it and how to use it, on the internet:


How ever this system has many ways of encripting in order to guarantee the safety of the message someone sent. That's where the difficult part begins... so you can try to encript inbthe page we sent you the message in many ways and try changing the URL in many ways but... only one should work.

So.. if it doesn't work precisely as it doesn't, 'coz we said the language of this elevator had SOMETHING SIMILAR TO A RELATIONSHIP with caesar cipher. You have to find out it's language based on the way caesars cipher works.

Don't panic!! we're gonna make it easier for you:

Well.. now you've got the encripted code you can find out the message and just type it on the URL. Obviously we know that there are some of our friends who don't want to work a lot and skip everything in the easier way. well.... still gotta work a little:

The result is:



  1. How'd you get the cipher? It seems nothing like a caesar cipher.

    1. Click on the panel, highlight the space inbetween 'its too far away' and 'back'

  2. How do you get the code "Please come here"?

    1. If you figure it out, please post it here, I'm confused as well

    2. next to the panel (on the bottom right corner) there is a smaller box click on it and it's the button and it'll tell u the code

    3. Your right but where do you put the code ?

  3. why is the answer a string of random characters?

  4. The creator are tricky.
    1)the button told u to say 'please come here'

    2)when u ask ziggy about the elevator (elevator.html) he said "This particular one says K instead of E"

    3)at panel, don't u find the "back" and those word are "too far away"? so highlight between them,there the a-z and the elevator language.

    4)So,take "please come here" E to K "plkask comk hkrk" and convert to the elevator language.

    Boom u get it haha~
    i bet we all from vsauce.

    1. wow thx man !! this blog never tell how they get it and which clue lead to... so confuss

    2. Yep, Vsauce :P

    3. Yup :] I <3 vsauce

    4. wow o_o how did you- oh wait, we all saw that Do Online Now, Guys

  5. when i try to enter the URL there pops up a box where u have to enter username and password? Wtf?

    1. i get the exact message every time idk what to do

  6. click the panel or type http://ebony.extra.hu/beryl/panel.html then press ctrl+a. the letters would appear. :D

  7. where in the url do u type in the code?

  8. Yesterday, it was fine but today, Level 9 keeps asking for a username and password every time I try to type something in the URL box or click on the button.

    'The server ebony.extra.hu:80 requires a username and password. The server says: Who do you wish to follow?'

    Is there a way round this?

    1. username: sukeena
      password: chase

      its ok

  9. boaldajgwafaua is the answer I think.

  10. none of these work - i don't get it! please tell me how to get through this level. I'm going crazy.

  11. I think the answer is bokldkjgwkfkuk

  12. I know the answer but where do you put it?

  13. THE ANSWER IS: bokldkjgwkfkuk.html


Yes!! even if most people think we are good enough, we always can be better leave us your comments so we can improve the way we help you.

Please if you need help leave us your name and e-mail address so we can answer your questions